Please join us September 27, 2023 at 8:45 at the TASD Administration building for our Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting. All parents are encouraged to attend the meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to provide information about our Title 1 Program and your rights to be engaged in your child's education. #teamtasd #potentialrealized

Parent/Teacher Conference - September 21, 2023 for 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. - All Campuses #teamtasd #potentialrealized

The Arkansas Council for Military Children is conducting an online survey of military families in Arkansas. This survey is used to collect information on the needs of military families and to determine how well military families are being served by certain education-related programs in Arkansas. No personal information will be collected in this survey. Survey results will be used to identify trends needing improvement and to assist in developing solutions.
Please share this survey with military families in your school districts or on your installations and encourage them to take survey. It should only take about ten minutes. The survey will remain open through the end of November 2023.
Go to this link to take the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScUstZzALU66pcFjA28QNENgJ2rXupVHb88kBgwLe7OYnb0JA/viewform

Good afternoon TASD parents! We are calling all mini-cheerleaders from ages kindergarten-5th grade to get signed up for the Arkansas High Parents' Night Out Mini-Cheer Clinic this Friday night from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Pre-Registration is $35 and $40 at the door. Check-in starts at 5:00 p.m. at the main AHS gymnasium. The price includes a t-shirt, dinner for your cheerleader on Friday night, and two free tickets to the AHS home football game on September 22nd - so you can watch your mini-cheerleader perform during pre-game and help run the team out. Get signed up today! If you have any questions, please reach out to Megan.brown@tasd7.net. Go Hogs! Click the link for the registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbwgrexpVdgNHyHzVjRMg3yl83X1Jf6m_BHIbGBkn4QJTPgw/viewform

Due to extremely high temperatures, the Arkansas High vs. Watson Chapel football game scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Friday, August 25 at the AHS Razorback Stadium has changed to an 8:00 p.m. kick-off time. #teamtasd #potentialrealized

Texarkana Arkansas School District is pleased to announce that we will begin using the Raptor Visitor Management System in all of our schools to strengthen campus safety for students and staff.
Upon entering a district building, visitors will be asked to present a government-issued ID such as a driver’s license.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and, your support in enhancing the school safety protocols in our district.
We look forward to welcoming our students back tomorrow. Have a great evening.

Do Not Miss the Bus - Register Your Child Today! The bus registration window will close Monday, August 14 at 8:00 p.m. and will remain closed until Monday, September 4. If you register your student for transportation before the Monday, August 14 deadline, you will receive an email with the stop location and times before school starts. Students not registered to ride the bus before Monday, August 14 will not be allowed to ride the bus during the first two weeks of school. Register today so you don't miss the bus. Visit www.TASD7.net to register today.

All school bus riders must be registered to ride the buses before Monday, August 14. Registering your student before the August 14 deadline helps the transportation department plan efficient routes to get students to school and home in a timely manner. If your student is not registered before Monday, August 14, he or she will not be on the pick-up or drop-off schedule and will not be assigned a stop location or time. No new transportation requests will be accepted during the first two weeks of school. Bus registration will resume on Monday, September 4, and will take 48 hours to process. So please take a moment to register your child today at www.tasd7.net.

For the 2023-24 school year, Texarkana Arkansas School District is implementing Non-Transportation Zones (NTZ) around each campus as the District’s Transportation Department continues to face challenges in recruiting and retaining enough bus drivers to maintain the number of routes needed to service morning and afternoon regular routes, Special Education routes, and extra-curricular activities. Due to the location and limited pedestrian access to Arkansas Middle School, a Non-Transportation Zone is not established. For NTZ details, visit www.tasd7.net.

Free Summer Meals! TASD will be providing free meals to children age 18 and under. No need to sign up or apply-just show up and enjoy. Meals available Monday through Thursday starting June 5th until July 27th. Closed June 19th and July 4th. Meals will be served at: AHS Student Union and College Hill Pre-K Cafeteria. Breakfast 7:30 -9:30 and lunch 11:30 - 12:30. #teamtasd #potentialrealized

TASD is experiencing technical difficulty at this time. Our phone lines are down throughout the district. We are working on resolving the issue. #teamtasd #potentialrealized

The AHS JV Baseball game scheduled for Thursday, March 16th, has been cancelled. #teamtasd #potentialrealized

The AHS Baseball and Softball games scheduled for tonight have been cancelled due to the amount of rain we received last night. The Baseball game will be rescheduled for tomorrow (Saturday, March 4th) at 1:00 p.m.
The Softball game will be rescheduled for a later date (TBD).
VG/VB Soccer will still play tonight at 5pm and 7pm.
#teamtasd #potentialrealized

The AHS Soccer games that were scheduled to be played in Hope tonight have been cancelled due to the weather and have been rescheduled to Monday, March 13th, in Hope. Game schedule times below:
JV-Boys- 4:00 p.m.
V- Girls- 5:00 p.m.
V- Boys- 7:00 p.m.

The AHS Baseball Alumni game scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, February 25th, has been postponed and will be rescheduled for a later date (TBD). #teamtasd #potentialreaized

The Texarkana Arkansas School District is excited to announce that we are currently accepting referrals for students in grades 2-11 who would like to be evaluated for possible placement in the gifted and talented program. (If you currently have a student in the GT program, this does not apply to you.) A parent wishing to refer a student for the 2023-2024 school year should contact their child's teacher and/or counselor prior to completing the GT Referral form to review the student's past grades, test scores, and classroom performance to determine advisability of testing. Referred students will be tested on campus in March. ALL referrals for evaluation must be completed by Tuesday, February 28, 2023. For further information or if you have any questions, please contact Marissa Escobar at (870) 772-3371. Thank you!
Teacher Referral Form https://forms.gle/UPavP7fL7XmjfCHx7
Parent Referral Form https://forms.gle/5DTcsJm5uqbxSN1BA
Student Referral Form https://forms.gle/vmwrvhmtkVKVBG55A
You can visit the Gift and Talented page at https://www.tasd7.net/page/abo...

The Arkansas Council for Military Children is surveying military families in Arkansas to determine how well they are being served by certain education-related programs. The survey will be available through March 31, 2023. Click the link below to take the survey.

The Texarkana Arkansas School District is accepting nominations for Distinguished Alumni for the 2022 - 2023 school year.
Nominations will be accepted through Tuesday, January 31, 2023.
The following criteria must be met to be designated Distinguished Alumni:
1. Must be recognized as having made outstanding contributions in business, professional, or vocational endeavors. 2. Must be a person of high moral character and integrity. 3. Must be an individual who recognizes and supports public education. 4. Must be a graduate of Arkansas High School, Washington High School, or North Heights High School.
Click for form: https://forms.gle/TBH7eb45ycU7BeiV7

OPERATION LOVE DROP - The City of Texarkana, Arkansas Parks and Recreation will be collecting personal hygiene items to be given to elderly, disabled and income challenged resident of Arkansas and Texas on Valentine Day. Their goal is to deliver 100 baskets based on referrals. Personal hygiene care package items may be dropped off Monday through Friday till February 10, 2023 at the TASD Administration building located at 3435 Jefferson Avenue. OPERATION LOVE DROP delivery date is February 14, 2023, volunteers and delivery teams are needed. Should you need more information, please contact Vickie Lacy at 903-691-8505.

The Arkansas High School Razorback Redline will be sponsoring a dance clinic on Saturday, January 28th in the Arkansas High Razorback Gym.
All students, grades kindergarten through 8th grade, are invited to attend. Attendees will learn stretch techniques, stand dances, and a group dance that they will perform at the Arkansas High Varsity Girls Basketball Game on Friday, February 3rd.
Cost of the clinic is $30 and includes dancer participation in the clinic, t-shirt, and dancer plus two parent admission tickets to the basketball game.
All registration and payments will be done digitally - dancers must pre-register to be able to participate. Please use the following link for registration and payment submission. Additional information is available at www.tasd7.net.